Mittwoch, 24. Oktober 2012

TSA Session 4

In this session we continued working with line... We explored the relations between straight and bent lines and we looked at two different ways of blocking in general shapes and then draw the detailed line on top.

I like number 2 and 3 a lot... feels like i made another big leap forward...

By the way... most of the stuff is drawn with conté crayons on 24 x 36" newsprint.
Sometimes we used willow charcoal or some red chalk to block in... but i really like the marks i can make with the contés...

K... that was it for now... im having the next TSA session on saturday, and im working on a draw 100 challenge as well... i thought to start with im doing skulls... its good to learn anatomy and will hopefully help those absolutely ridiculous faces im currently drawing :-) im on 72 drawings or so at the moment and i hope i can finish it till next monday... Alright... thanks for the attention hahaha

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