Sonntag, 4. November 2012

Draw 100 - Skulls

Wooozaaa! Ive just finished my first Draw 100 Challenge. And for that i chose to do Skulls. I think its a perfect base to learn to draw better faces. I dont know yet what im gonna do next... maybe hands... or feet... or just faces or so... :-) we will see :-)

Mittwoch, 24. Oktober 2012

TSA Session 4

In this session we continued working with line... We explored the relations between straight and bent lines and we looked at two different ways of blocking in general shapes and then draw the detailed line on top.

I like number 2 and 3 a lot... feels like i made another big leap forward...

By the way... most of the stuff is drawn with conté crayons on 24 x 36" newsprint.
Sometimes we used willow charcoal or some red chalk to block in... but i really like the marks i can make with the contés...

K... that was it for now... im having the next TSA session on saturday, and im working on a draw 100 challenge as well... i thought to start with im doing skulls... its good to learn anatomy and will hopefully help those absolutely ridiculous faces im currently drawing :-) im on 72 drawings or so at the moment and i hope i can finish it till next monday... Alright... thanks for the attention hahaha

TSA - Session three

In this session we started working with line instead of overal shapes and gesture. I love it so much to see what different techniques there are to explore... and i will definitely repeat this class in winter... just to do all the stuff again, before i move on to life drawing 2.

Again sorry for the poor quality... i promise ill shoot better pictures next time :-)

Open life drawing - 09.27.2012

This is from a open life drawing session on a thursday night at TSA.
I was just messing around with materials, trying to figure out how to draw values and not to be too intimidated by how good the people drew who were sitting next to me :-)

TSA - Session two

Now here is the first stuff from the TSA class i consider more or less good enough to show here.
And after all this is more for myself to look back than for anyone else (except of course for you Svetla) ;-)

The drawings were done in Session two where we started talking about anatomy, the position of the hips, the ribcage and also foreshortening...
to me this was the first CRAZY enlightening moment where i realized right when i was drawing that im discovering so much new stuff, and that suddenly my drawings start to look soooo much better.

Prep for TSA

alright... here we go. First off i have to apologize for the bad picture quality. I was kind of in a hurry, and im too lazy to shoot again hahaha

Now a bit about my background... i had never a real drawing class in my life before... last year i wanted to start classes, but kind of ended up never going... dont ask me why... But since one month im finally taking life drawing 1 at Toronto School of Art... and its like i opened the door to another world... free to explore... i have been drawing almost every day since i started... challenging myself with exercises from books,, Glen Vilppus tutorials or by repeating the stuff we did in class... its so inspiring and i LOVE it so much.

So were starting off with some drawings i did prior to the life drawing class at TSA... just to explore different materials... I like some of them, but looking back, i see so many flaws... ah well... im just starting off right? :-)

Oh and if youre wondering why im only drawing big breasted women... let me tell you... i tried drawing guys... but theyre 10 times harder to draw!

Sonntag, 30. September 2012

I started doing these amazing life drawing classes at Toronto School of Art.
And it feels like when i started Animation Mentor all over again... ive discovered someting else that i LOVE so very much that i cant get enough of it.
So after having had the second class yesterday, im now gonna start posting 2-3 drawings out of every session i do... be it at home, in public or in classes.

(Svetla! Cant wait for your comments!) :-)